I called Stephanie last Thursday and begged her to meet up with me so I could use her for a new location. While I couldn’t exactly talk her into shooting that night, I did talk her into it three days later! She originally told me that she didn’t want to take them at all and while I didn’t push it, I was hoping that something like this would happen. We got to the location, shot for a total of 20 minutes and at the end had a HUGE heart to heart about how in the next 2 ish weeks her babe was going to be here. She said that that was what pushed her towards doing the pictures. The fact that soon she wouldn’t have her belly and she would miss it. Whatever the reason, I couldn’t be happier!
She seriously KILLED it in these. The gowns on her in THIS location really made me stop a few times. More to awe in the fact that this gorgeous mama to be who was basically about to give birth at any minute was rocking this session so hard. Now, almost a week to the day, she had her precious little guy. Even better? I get to squish him next week for his newborn shoot!