The Bruner clan are on the blog again! I won’t lie, I LOVE capturing their sessions. They always make me feel like I’m part of their family. Little Colten tagged along to steal the show with some amazing and adorable photos and smiles. For those of you who don’t know, she found out she was having a little girl back in May and I don’t think either of us could be more excited! Sean and Trista decided on an amazing name, Tessa, which fits into their family perfectly.
I always love to tell a little bit about the session, for memories purpose, and this one has a good one. In Florida recently we have had a TON of rain. Like way more than normal. I was hoping we were in the clear as it hadn’t rained in 3 days, but apparently the beach we shot at was still underwater. My go-to normal spot was flooded and closed along with 80% of the beach. Thank goodness for incredible park rangers who went way over and beyond their duty and allowed us to shoot in a teeny bit restricted area. Although, they certainly didn’t walk away empty handed, they laughed just as much as we did and they even got the best seats to our comedy show. 🙂
Sean, Trista and Colten, I cannot wait to meet sweet baby T next month. <3 <3