Think way back to last October… Do you remember that AMAZING birthday I captured? That one that was kind of breathtaking? That sweet baby that was named Zoey? (If you DON’T remember, click HERE to walk through memory lane) Well, that babe is now turning ONE! Hopefully you love Zoey first birthday shoot as much as me!
Zoey has SO many teeth and she will causing a bit on her own. She is always laughing and constantly doing a fake cry that squishes her nose up. she has big brown eyes one big curly Q on the top of her head. She LOVES wearing Moccasins and cannot wait to have her Daniel Tiger birthday party next month. She did NOT hesitate to dig into her smash cake! She also LOVEd changing her outfit twice and smiled through the entire shoot!
So many smiles and laughs happened in such a short period of time during this shoot. While daddy daddy was getting her dressed, I asked Monique to go ahead and help me get my lighting ready. while we were both laughing and chatting about how we couldn’t believe that she was already one, Monique so SO excited she threw the cake all over the ground before Zoey could even dig into her cake. We then proceeded to pee our pants. The rest of the session went amazingly. Zoey is as perfect as her shoot was. 🙂 I love this time of the year. The weather usually cooperates and starts to cool down just a tad. Which leads to less upset babes and less sweaty parents.
** Thinking you might want to get on my calendar for your holiday family photos? Email me! I would love to chat with you!